TIME MANAGER RELASE 0.7.0, Fri Jul 1 13:15:40 CEST 2005 ABOUT Time Manager is a cgi-bin script that keeps track on how much time you have spent at work. This works with the user signing on and off whenever he or she arrives or leaves. Time Manager relies heavily on the Date::Manip module which has to be installed prior to running the script. INSTALLATION 1: Move the .tar file to the location in the cgi-bin directory where you want it (E.g. $APACHE_PREFIX/cgi-bin) a sub-directory, "time-$VERSION", will be created when unpacking. Write: tar xvzf time-$VERSION.tar.gz You can either rename the folder to time, or make a logic link time -> time-0.7.0 if you want. 2: Add the username/password in the time.pwd file. The format is: username:Real Name:password The password is a regular DES crypt password known from Unix password files. You can make a crypt by using the tool makepwd in the admin folder. 3: Make the "time" folder and everything subsequent readable by the web server. Make the "data" folder readable and writable by the web-server. Do the same with the time.pwd file. This is how my installation looks like: -rw-r--r-- 1 paalde paalde 18007 Aug 11 2000 LICENSE drwx------ 2 paalde paalde 4096 Jun 24 2002 admtools -rw-r--r-- 1 paalde paalde 2723 Mar 13 13:25 changelog.txt drwxr-x--- 2 apache paalde 4096 Jan 2 15:11 data -rw-r--r-- 1 paalde paalde 0 Jan 24 12:58 index.html -rwxr-xr-x 1 paalde paalde 1608 Mar 1 2001 query.cgi -rw-r--r-- 1 paalde paalde 2424 Dec 10 10:10 readme.txt -rwxr-xr-x 1 paalde paalde 63289 Mar 13 13:21 time.cgi -rwxr-x--- 1 apache paalde 222 Jun 26 2002 time.pwd 4: You need Date::Manip. If you don't have it then download it from: http://www.cise.ufl.edu/~sbeck/ or your the CPAN archive of your choise. Date::Manip comes as an RPM package with later Redhat Linux releases. One way to check if you have it is to write: perl -MDate::Manip -e 'print &DateManipVersion()."\n";' My current installation runs Date::Manip version 5.40. You also need the CGI lib, which is usually included in the Perl installation (if not, search CPAN) 5: Edit in time.cgi file, ("which perl" usually shows you where your perl installation is.) The #!/usr/bin/perl on the top should refer to the Perl installation. You should also change the following variables: $web_host='http://localhost'; $cgi_action='/cgi-bin/time/time.cgi'; You can also change colours and/or the way dates are displayed. 6: Access Restriction by IP or DNS name. This is easiest done in the apache config files. Example: Options Indexes FollowSymLinks ExecCGI AllowOverride None Order deny,allow Deny from all Allow from .your.sub.domain.com 7: Test it. Time Manager was developed and tested on a system running CentOS 4.0 and an Apache webserver. It should run on any Unix-like systems. I do not plan and will not implement a Windows version. The program was made to suit my needs, you may have different ones or may find the program insufficient. 8: Delete the test user and add your own user/s.