By Hyppy
Disclaimer: I'm not responsible for what you do with this, but
if you get blamed for anything, I don't know you. Any
use of this (unauthorized) is totally ACCEPTABLE, but
at least mention my name!
School sucks, for all of us that either didn't drop out or are
still under 16. Well, since we don't learn jack from those
underpaid lamers, we might as well have fun at their expense!
However, you have to be very inconspicuous about it, hence the
art of stealth and it usefulness.
Rule #1: NO DIRECT CONTACT!! The administration, contrary to
it's appearance, can be suprisingly swift and severe!
The moral of the story is: cover up your tracks!!
- Connect two Industrial 9V batteries, wad a sheet of paper
around it, and toss it in the trash. You should be
smart enough to use this at the end of class, and also
you should know not to leave any fingerprints, due
to possible pig (er. . .ah, forget it, I'll just call
them pigs) involvement
- Replace the chalk with a white crayon, or rub permenant
marker over the dry erase markers.
- Slip pot, coke, acid, roofies, etc into someones locker and
call in a 2 day advance bomb threat. The normal school
procedure for this is to search every locker, closet,
and desk on campus. They (hopefully) won't find any
bombs, but they'll see you "friend's" little drug
stash, then (swiftly and severly) arrest/expell him.
- Spike the water fountain by injecting vodka through the
intake tube in back.
- Print out some child porn and put it on a substitute's desk
Watch the fun on the local news!
- Slip a .22 in someone's bag before the metal detector.
- Get some Epoxy solution in a syringe and fill in all the
locks of the science department, which will be empty
by the next day, assuming you realize what you did.
- Bring some bold cutters (small ones) and clip every locker
in sight, then have your own little looting job
during 5th period.
- Take out all the soda machine button labels, leaving all
these people standing around gagging on what they
thought would be coke.
- Leave stacks of clearly identifiable counterfeit money
around campus. Laugh as the school idiots go to jail
by the hundreds for possesion of counterfeit notes.
- Believe it or not, administration still falls for tacks
on the chair. But, this is the 90's, and we have
KrAzY gLuE!!
That's all for now, folks!